
Showing posts from May, 2021

Interviews and flashes of my dad

       The dreaded interview process.... (excuse me while I go scream my lungs out).  I have high anxiety and and struggle when things are not in my control so the fact that I do not have a position locked down next year is a cause for hyperventilating for me.  I have had three interviews this week and I am hoping that I will hear something back from them. I also applied to several places that I have not heard back from yet either and that is also a source of anxiety for me as well.  I suffer from a lack of self confidence and that definitely comes across in my interviews.  So many times I have been on the verge of panic attacks because my nerves get the better of me.  My first interview of the week was in this manner.  Ironically it was at the school I had been teaching at so that should have given me less anxiety right? Wrong.  I wanted to prove myself, I prepared over the weekend, but I got thrown from my comfort zone  befor...

When your career stalls right out of the gate

     I decided I wanted to teach a little later in my life than others and it was a journey getting there.  I come from a family of educators and I was determined I was not going that route.  However my life plans resembled a twisty plate of spaghetti in my early 20's and I did the whole marriage, kids, school career thing a little backwards.  I was subbing in a high school and I was actually a favored sub because I got the students to do their work and I kept thinking I cant wait till I have my own classroom.  Anyway I was in between the part of your degree where you finish the requirements for your AA and beginning the specialization for my degree in secondary social science in Education, but I had an actual issue with the way the degree requirements.  I did not feel that only 6 credit hours of history where enough to make me an expert and feel this was one of the reasons history classes wound up being so painful for so many students.  Hist...

The Mountains are calling...

Hello, I am Meg.  A mother of 3, a teacher, and a self professed nerd.  I am constantly looking to improve my teaching and I hope to go back for my Masters in curriculum and instruction.  I love coffee and Diet Dr. Pepper, and I have long since believed it has become my life blood.  I love to experiment with curriculum and make material engaging and relevant to students lives today.  I love to be creative as I am making lessons.  I love being creative.  I also have two stories in my head that I need to work on getting out.  I want to build a brand for my education and as I develop my teaching.  I also want the ability to work through anything I learn teaching as well as figure out mom life.   Looking for a change of pace, my family and I moved from Florida to Colorado.  The mountains are beautiful and the celebrating of actual seasons are amazing.  The snow has been interesting, though the weather in Colorado is funny beca...